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dfx wallet


Use the dfx wallet command with subcommands and flags to manage the cycles wallets of your identities and to send cycles to the wallets of other account cycles wallet canisters.

The basic syntax for running the dfx wallet commands is:

dfx wallet [option] <subcommand> [flag]

Depending on the dfx wallet subcommand you specify, additional arguments, options, and flags might apply or be required. To view usage information for a specific dfx wallet subcommand, specify the subcommand and the --help flag. For example, to see usage information for dfx wallet send, you can run the following command:

dfx wallet send --help

For reference information and examples that illustrate using dfx wallet commands, select an appropriate command.

add-controllerAdd a controller using the selected identity's principal.
addressesDisplays the address book of the cycles wallet.
authorizeAuthorize a custodian by principal for the selected identity's cycles wallet
balanceDisplays the cycles wallet balance of the selected identity.
controllersDisplays a list of the selected identity's cycles wallet controllers.
custodiansDisplays a list of the selected identity's cycles wallet custodians.
deauthorizeDeauthorize a cycles wallet custodian using the custodian's principal.
helpDisplays a usage message and the help of the given subcommand(s).
nameReturns the name of the cycles wallet if you've used the dfx wallet set-name command.
redeem-faucet-couponRedeem a code at the cycles faucet.
remove-controllerRemoves a specified controller from the selected identity's cycles wallet.
sendSends a specified amount of cycles from the selected identity's cycles wallet to another canister.
set-nameSpecify a name for your cycles wallet.
upgradeUpgrade the cycles wallet's Wasm module to the current Wasm bundled with DFX.

Using your wallet

After you have used the dfx identity deploy-wallet command to create a cycles wallet canister tied to an identity, you can use dfx wallet commands to modify your cycles wallet settings, send cycles to other cycles wallets, and add or remove controllers and custodians.

dfx wallet add-controller

Use the dfx wallet add-controller to add a controller to the wallet. An identity assigned the role of Controller has the most privileges and can perform the following actions on the selected identity's cycles wallet:

  • Rename the cycles wallet.

  • Add entries to the address book.

  • Add and remove controllers.

  • Authorize and deauthorize custodians.

A controller is also a custodian and can perform the following actions associated with that role:

  • Access wallet information.

  • Send cycles.

  • Forward calls.

  • Create canisters.

Basic usage

dfx wallet add-controller [option] <controller> [flag]


You can use the following options with the dfx canister call command.

--network <network>Specifies the environment (e.g., Internet Computer or testnet) of the controller you want to add.


You can specify the following arguments for the dfx wallet add-controller command.

controllerSpecifies the principal of the controller to add to the wallet.


You can use the dfx wallet add-controller command to add a controller to your wallet. If the controller you want to add is on a different environment, specify it using the --network option. For example:

dfx wallet add-controller b5quc-npdph-l6qp4-kur4u-oxljq-7uddl-vfdo6-x2uo5-6y4a6-4pt6v-7qe

The command displays output similar to the following:

Added b5quc-npdph-l6qp4-kur4u-oxljq-7uddl-vfdo6-x2uo5-6y4a6-4pt6v-7qe as a controller.

dfx wallet addresses

Use the dfx wallet addresses command to display the wallet's address book.The address entries contain the principal and role (Contact, Custodian, or Controller), and might contain a name, and kind (Unknown, User, or Canister) associated with the address.

Basic usage

dfx wallet addresses


You can use the dfx wallet addresses command to retrieve information on the addresses in your wallet's address book. For example:

dfx wallet addresses --network ic

The command displays the controllers and custodians for the cycles wallet with output similar to the following:

dfx wallet addresses
Id: hpff-grjfd-tg7cj-hfeuj-olrjd-vbego-lpcax-ou5ld-oh7kr-kl9kt-yae, Kind: Unknown, Role: Controller, Name: ic_admin.
Id: e7ptl-4x43t-zxcvh-n6s6c-k2dre-doy7l-bbo6h-ok8ik-msiz3-eoxhl-6qe, Kind: Unknown, Role: Custodian, Name: alice_auth.

dfx wallet authorize

Use the dfx wallet authorize command to authorize a custodian for the wallet. An identity authorized as a custodian can perform the following actions on the cycles wallet:

  • Access wallet information.

  • Send cycles.

  • Forward calls.

  • Create canisters.

Basic usage

dfx wallet authorize <custodian> [flag]


Use the following necessary argument with the dfx wallet authorize command.

<custodian>Specify the principal of the identity you would like to add as a custodian to the selected identity's cycles wallet.


For example, to add alice_auth as a custodian, specify her principal in the following command:

dfx wallet authorize dheus-mqf6t-xafkj-d3tuo-gh4ng-7t2kn-7ikxy-vvwad-dfpgu-em25m-2ae

This command outputs something similar to the following:

Authorized dheus-mqf6t-xafkj-d3tuo-gh4ng-7t2kn-7ikxy-vvwad-dfpgu-em25m-2ae as a custodian.

dfx wallet balance

Use the dfx wallet balance command to display the balance of the cycles wallet of the selected identity.

Basic usage

dfx wallet balance


You can use the following optional flags with the dfx wallet balance command.

--preciseDisplays the exact balance, without scaling to trillions of cycles.


Check the balance of the selected identity's cycles wallet.

dfx wallet balance

This command displays the number of cycles in your cycles wallet. For example:

89.000 TC (trillion cycles).

dfx wallet controllers

Use the dfx wallet controllers command to list the principals of the identities that are controllers of the selected identity's cycles wallet.

Basic usage

dfx wallet controllers


List the controllers of your selected identity's cycles wallet.

dfx wallet controllers

The information returned should look similar to the following if there are two controllers:


dfx wallet custodians

Use the dfx wallet custodians command to list the principals of the identities that are custodians of the selected identity's cycles wallet. Identities that are added as controllers are also listed as custodians.

Basic usage

dfx wallet custodians


List the custodians of your selected identity's cycles wallet.

dfx wallet custodians

The information returned should look similar to the following if there are two custodians:


dfx wallet deauthorize

Use the dfx wallet deauthorize command to remove a custodian from the cycles wallet.

NOTE: that this will also remove the role of controller if the custodian is also a controller.

Basic usage

dfx wallet deauthorize <custodian> [flag]


Use the following necessary argument with the dfx wallet deauthorize command.

<custodian>Specify the principal of the custodian you want to remove.


For example, to remove "alice_auth" as a custodian, specify her principal in the following command:

dfx wallet deauthorize dheus-mqf6t-xafkj-d3tuo-gh4ng-7t2kn-7ikxy-vvwad-dfpgu-em25m-2ae

This command will output something similar to:

Deauthorized dheus-mqf6t-xafkj-d3tuo-gh4ng-7t2kn-7ikxy-vvwad-dfpgu-em25m-2ae as a custodian.

dfx wallet name

Use the dfx wallet name command to display the name of the selected identity's cycles wallet if it has been set using the dfx wallet set-name command.

Basic usage

dfx wallet name [flag] 


If you have named your cycles wallet "Terrances_wallet", then the command would return the following:


dfx wallet redeem-faucet-coupon

Use the dfx wallet redeem-faucet-coupon command to redeem a cycles faucet coupon. If you have no wallet set, this will create a wallet for you. If you have a wallet set already, this will add the coupon's cycles to your existing wallet.

Basic usage

dfx wallet redeem-faucet-coupon <your faucet coupon>


Use the following necessary argument with the dfx wallet redeem-faucet-coupon command.

<your faucet coupon>The coupon code to redeem at the faucet.


You can use the following optional flags with the dfx wallet redeem-faucet-coupon command.

--faucetAlternative faucet address. If not set, this uses the DFINITY faucet.
--yesSkips yes/no checks by answering 'yes'. Not recommended outside of CI.


If you have no wallet yet and a coupon code ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE, you can redeem it like this:

dfx wallet redeem-faucet-coupon 'ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE'

This will print something similar to this:

Redeemed coupon ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE for a new wallet: rdmx6-jaaaa-aaaaa-aaadq-cai
New wallet set.

If you have a wallet already and a coupon code ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE, you can redeem it like this:

dfx wallet redeem-faucet-coupon 'ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE'

This will print something similar to this:

Redeemed coupon code ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE for 20.000 TC (trillion cycles).

dfx wallet remove-controller

Use the dfx wallet remove-controller command to remove a controller of your selected identity's cycles wallet.

Basic usage

dfx wallet remove-controller <controller> [flag]


Use the following necessary argument with the dfx wallet remove-controller command.

|Argument |Description

|<controller> | Specify the principal of the controller you want to remove.


For example, to remove alice_auth as a controller, specify her principal in the following command:

dfx wallet remove-controller dheus-mqf6t-xafkj-d3tuo-gh4ng-7t2kn-7ikxy-vvwad-dfpgu-em25m-2ae

The command outputs something similar to the following:

Removed dheus-mqf6t-xafkj-d3tuo-gh4ng-7t2kn-7ikxy-vvwad-dfpgu-em25m-2ae as a controller.

dfx wallet send

Use the dfx wallet send command to send cycles from the selected identity's cycles wallet to canister.

Basic usage

dfx wallet [network] send [flag] <destination> <amount> 


You can use the following option with the dfx wallet send command.

--networkOverride the environment to connect to. By default, the local canister execution environment is used. A valid URL (starting with http: or https:) can be specified here. E.g. "http://localhost:12345/" is a valid network name.


You must specify the following arguments for the dfx wallet send command.

<destination>Specify the destination canister using its Canister ID.
<amount>Specify the number of cycles to send.


Send cycles from the selected identity's cycles wallet to another cycles wallet.

For example, to send 2,000,000,000 cycles from the cycles wallet of the selected identity, <ic_admin>, to the cycles wallet of the destination identity, <buffy_standard> with a wallet address r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai, run the following command:

dfx wallet send r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai 2000000000

If the transfer is successful, the command does not displays any output.

dfx wallet set-name

Use the dfx wallet set-name command to assign a name to the selected identity's cycles wallet.

Basic usage

    dfx wallet set-name [flag] <name> 


You must specify the following arguments for the dfx wallet set-name command.

<name>Specify a name for the cycles wallet.


If you want to set the name of the current identity's cycles wallet to "Terrances_wallet" you can run the following command:

dfx wallet set-name Terrances_wallet

dfx wallet upgrade

Use the dfx wallet upgrade command to upgrade the cycle wallet's Wasm module to the current Wasm bundled with DFX.

Basic usage

    dfx wallet upgrade [flag] 


To upgrade the Wasm module to the latest version, run the following command:

dfx wallet upgrade