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quill ckbtc transfer


Signs a message to transfer ckBTC from one account to another.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for running quill ckbtc transfer commands is:

quill ckbtc transfer [option] <TO>


<TO>The account to transfer ckBTC to.


-h, --helpDisplays usage information.
--testnetUses ckTESTBTC instead of ckBTC.


--amount <AMOUNT>The amount, in decimal ckBTC, to transfer.
--fee <FEE>The expected fee for this transaction.
--from-subaccount <FROM_SUBACCOUNT>The subaccount to transfer ckBTC from.
--memo <MEMO>An integer memo for this transaction.
--satoshis <SATOSHIS>The amount, in integer satoshis, to transfer.
--to-subaccount <TO_SUBACCOUNT>The subaccount to transfer to.


The quill ckbtc transfer command is used to transfer ckBTC from one account to another.

For example, to transfer 0.5 ckBTC to the anonymous principal, 2vxsx-fae:

quill ckbtc transfer 2vxsx-fae --amount 0.5

This will produce a response like:

(variant { Ok = 5_581_035 : nat })

This refers to the block index, also known as block height, at which the transaction took place; you can look up this transaction on the IC dashboard.


Note that the returned index is the index for the ckBTC ledger, not an index for the Bitcoin ledger.

As this is an update call, it will not actually make the request, but rather generate a signed and packaged request that can be sent from anywhere. You can use the --qr flag to display it as a QR code, or if you are not working with an air-gapped machine, you can pipe it to quill send.