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quill sns follow-neuron


Configures a neuron to follow another neuron or group of neurons.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for running quill sns follow-neuron commands is:

quill sns follow-neuron <NEURON_ID> <--type <TYPE>|--function-id <FUNCTION_ID>> <--followees <FOLLOWEES>|--unfollow> [option]


<NEURON_ID>The neuron to configure.


-h, --helpDisplays usage information.
--unfollowRemove any followees for this proposal function.


--followees <FOLLOWEES>A list of neurons to follow for this proposal function
--function-id <FUNCTION_ID>The numeric ID of the proposal function to restrict following to
--type <TYPE>The name of the built-in proposal function to restrict following to


Following neurons causes your neuron to automatically vote when the majority (by voting power) of the followed neurons do.

Follow relationships are granular by the purpose of a proposal, e.g. you can follow a neuron only for votes on transferring SNS treasury funds. There are several built-in proposal functions which this command accepts by name, but new ones can be added at any time via AddGenericNervousSystemFunction proposals and those must be addressed by integer ID.

Built-in names: all, motion, manage-nervous-system-parameters, upgrade-sns-controlled-canister, add-generic-nervous-system-function, remove-generic-nervous-system-function, upgrade-sns-to-next-version, manage-sns-metadata, transfer-sns-treasury-funds, register-dapp-canisters,deregister-dapp-canisters

As this is an update call, it will not actually make the request, but rather generate a signed and packaged request that can be sent from anywhere. You can use the --qr flag to display it as a QR code, or if you are not working with an air-gapped machine, you can pipe it to quill send.