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Signing transactions



Before a transaction can be sent to the Bitcoin network, each input must be signed. Canisters can sign by using the sign_with_ecdsa API.

Signing transactions

The following snippet shows a simplified example of how to sign a Bitcoin transaction for the special case where all the inputs are referencing outpoints that are owned by own_address and own_address is a P2PKH address.

public func sign_transaction(
own_public_key : [Nat8],
own_address : BitcoinAddress,
transaction : Transaction,
key_name : Text,
derivation_path : [Blob],
signer : SignFun,
) : async [Nat8] {
// Obtain the scriptPubKey of the source address which is also the
// scriptPubKey of the Tx output being spent.
switch (Address.scriptPubKey(#p2pkh own_address)) {
case (#ok scriptPubKey) {
let scriptSigs = Array.init<Script>(transaction.txInputs.size(), []);

// Obtain scriptSigs for each Tx input.
for (i in Iter.range(0, transaction.txInputs.size() - 1)) {
let sighash = transaction.createSignatureHash(
scriptPubKey, Nat32.fromIntWrap(i), SIGHASH_ALL);

let signature_sec = await signer(key_name, derivation_path, Blob.fromArray(sighash));
let signature_der = Blob.toArray(Der.encodeSignature(signature_sec));

// Append the sighash type.
let encodedSignatureWithSighashType = Array.tabulate<Nat8>(
signature_der.size() + 1, func (n) {
if (n < signature_der.size()) {
} else {

// Create Script Sig which looks like:
// ScriptSig = <Signature> <Public Key>.
let script = [
#data encodedSignatureWithSighashType,
#data own_public_key
scriptSigs[i] := script;
// Assign ScriptSigs to their associated TxInputs.
for (i in Iter.range(0, scriptSigs.size() - 1)) {
transaction.txInputs[i].script := scriptSigs[i];
// Verify that our own address is P2PKH.
case (#err msg)
Debug.trap("This example supports signing p2pkh addresses only.");


View in the full example.

Learn more about using the Threshold signing API.

Next steps

Now that your transaction is signed, it can be submitted to the Bitcoin network.

Learn how to submit Bitcoin transactions.