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This section details how to call the construction/combine endpoint of the Rosetta construction API. The request and response types can be found in the official documentation.

Signing payloads

The payloads that one receives from the construction/payloads endpoint contain a hex string that needs to be signed with the private key of the accountidentifier that is associated with the hex string. Here is an example of such a payload:


This means that we need to sign the hex bytes 0a69632d72657175657374df3e33267733b2030e8a4fc1d7eb6e0884ab461806630921a9c0c9749abb99de with the private key associated with the accountidentifier 8b84c3a3529d02a9decb5b1a27e7c8d886e17e07ea0a538269697ef09c2a27b4 using an ecdsa signature type.